

In 2021, Milli—an award-winning creative agency based in Seattle, Washington—decided to overhaul their website. The redesign was led by Pari Gabriel—a web design deity and a good friend—who brought me in to do some consultational motion design, as well as a little animation.

The prompt that led the redesign was simple—find a way to create a website that encourages and rewards exploration, and that packs joy into it. The result is a fluid navigational experience accented by small satisfying flourishes and easter eggs.

Every text animation, hover animation and page change was fine tuned. Each project is tagged with the provided services, and each service is accompanied by an animated icon. Upon hovering your mouse over them, they come to life. One of my favorite features is a secret toggle on one of the pages that changes the site altogether. Poke around the site to see if you can find it :)

Since the site’s launch, it has been highlighted in numerous top 10 lists on Webflow. *Larry June Voice* Good job, Pari. 

Thanks Milli.